Improving the Reach of Facebook Live Broadcasts

Engagement through social media with your business’s followers and potential customers is incredibly important. The latest social trend is to broadcast Facebook Live videos and this element of social marketing should not be overlooked.


Why are Facebook Live Broadcasts Important

Facebook Live broadcasts are important because live videos rank higher than videos in the news feed. In addition to this, Facebook has reported that people spend triple the amount of time watching Facebook Live videos.

This is due to the nature of the content, which is in the moment, and it offers the opportunity for your business to project a stronger and more personal message. In short, Facebook Live broadcasts are the next best thing to being there.


Improving the Reach of Facebook Live Videos

Prepare beforehand by deciding what you are broadcasting. Is it a ‘how to’, ‘product review’ or ‘Q&A session’. Decide on the goal of the broadcast. Is it purely for publicity, to find new customers, get Facebook likes or to find new email subscribers.

You should decide on a landing page for redirects and make an announcement of your intention to broadcast live in advance, to ensure that an audience is attracted before you start to broadcast.

Short videos of one to ten minutes works best and in longer broadcasts you should reintroduce yourself and your business, for those that join the event part way through. To increase the popularity of a live broadcast, you should acknowledge those that comment while live, answer questions, ask for feedback, ask viewers to share the video and ask viewers to subscribe, so that they are notified of future videos.

Post broadcast, it is possible to go to the edit screen, by clicking the grey arrow in the top right of the post. At this point you can ensure that the video has a short meaningful title, add more information to the description and insert a call to action URL.

Ensure that the URL is placed above the fold, which is typically within the first few lines of the description. It is also advantageous to use a measurable link, such as a Bitly link. The edit screen will also allow you to add video tags, to ensure that the video is easier for viewers to find. It is worth considering overlapping topics of interest, adding a location and including trending hash tags.


Facebook Live Insights

Sixty percent of Facebook Live video views happen after the live video broadcast and you can use the engagement graph to monitor the reach and engagement. This will essentially indicate what type of videos are working.

To see the Summary Data, go to your business’s Facebook page and then click on Insights, followed by Videos. The videos can be filtered by Auto-Played vs Clicked-To-Play, Organic vs Paid or Unique vs Repeat. Video stats also show Live Viewers, Unique Viewers, Minutes Viewed, Video Views, Average % Completed and 10-Second (or more) Views.

Insights will show you which days work best, which topics work best as well as showing reactions, comments and shares. It is worth noting that there is usually a low percentage of viewers that watch the complete broadcast. So take note of any videos that rate 25 percent or higher.


Contact Odyssey New Media for help with your Social Media

If your business needs help with improving the reach of Facebook Live broadcasts, or anything else relating to your Social Media efforts then you can contact Odyssey New Media for help at [email protected] or call us on 0844 500 6911.


Social Media