Every Digital Marketer’s dream is to achieve high levels of viral success, obtaining mass engagement and followers on your social media channels.
How do you create compelling content that your followers will engage with? In this blog post, we will go through five expert tips that will help you with your own channels.
Lead with an Effective Product or Service
To create an effective campaign, it’s crucial that you have a special product or service people will be interested in. The excellence of your service or product is what sparks conversation with your followers. For your business, the procedure of crafting an effective product might be overstepping the necessary quality standards, managing quality control testing or adapting to customer feedback about your product. It’s also crucial that for managers to have an influence on cues that impact the perception of the product like a company’s reputation.

Make Your Branding Coherent
Outlining a strategy that expresses your business’ viewpoint, customer personas and your brands tone of voice allowing you to connect efficiently with your customers is key. Your overall brand performs as a reference for what customers should expect from you. Many companies don’t cater their strategy to a specific audience and try to reach everyone on the platform – this largely falls on deaf ears. For your company to avoid this happening, you need to create an unforgettable product or service. To do this, you will need to put time and money into establishing an efficient strategy and making it consistent.
Stand Out from The Crowd with a Common Concern
Talking about a common concern is an excellent marketing strategy if done in the correct way. The use of social media can be helpful to emphasise how your product or services are better than competitors. A great example of where this has been used effectively is the American Beer Brand ‘Bud Light’. In all of their campaigns including the Super Bowl Ad, they emphasised the fact that their beer isn’t brewed with corn syrup. This was to try and target the health-conscious beer drinkers and almost calling out certain competitors for using corn syrup in their product. This campaign lead to competitors such as Miller Lite to respond on Twitter defending themselves in regards to the corn syrup debate. This just shows how effective channels such as Instagram, Facebook & Twitter are promoting comparisons and how you can use it to gain an advantage. Pick a common concern that your consumers genuinely care about and what makes your product and service unique compared to competitors.

Followers Driving Conversation
People talking on social channels is a powerful tool, especially when it comes to brand awareness. There have been some very clever campaigns that have got people talking! Gillette’s ‘The Best Man Can Be’ Campaign was one of the most talked about campaign in 2019 because it didn’t just promote a new range of razors, it was tackling much bigger problems. The aim of the campaign was talk about negative male behaviours which included: sexism, bullying and toxic masculinity. The well thought out campaign wasn’t without its risks and while the campaign was scrutinised by some for being sensitive, it’s most definitely got people talking. In the week after it was released on their channel the video received 1.5 million mentions and the campaigns hashtag #TheBestManCanBe was used 187,000 times in that week. Small businesses can learn from this campaign as focussing on a talked about subject can really lift your campaign to new heights.
Incorporating Social Channels Across the Business
An effective way to share possible content, relevant articles and press coverage through platforms like Whatsapp can be helpful for teams to communicate in real-time. It’s also helpful sharing draft content to get sign off from your manager. The open communication on Whatsapp can help your business swiftly take advantage of any possible interactions with customers.
Contact Our Professionals for Social Media Management
If you’re interested in social media management and would like an social media expert to take care of your social channels for you, then please get in touch with us. We have years of experience in managing various social campaigns.
Call us on 0121 439 5450 or you can send us an email here.
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