The sportswear giants reduce spends connected to events such as the European Championships 2020 but increased on the digital front as ecommerce sales almost doubled.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the sportwear giants Adidas cut back on their marketing budget by 25% in the second quarter of this year. However, they now are looking to build that marketing budget back up to pre-lockdown levels. They plan to pickup from where they left off in the second half of the financial year and receive an effective Return on Investment.
The sportwear brand reported a fall of nearly 35% in the three months of lockdown to the end of June to $3.5 billion. This was partly due to the postponement of major sporting events like the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the Euro 2020, where Adidas sponsor both major sporting events. Another reason was that over 70% of the brand’s stores were closed due to the country being in lockdown.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies have used the power of technology to communicate with their employees while working from home. This is set to continue with many people carrying on working from home at a more efficient rate. This will mean that people will swap their suit and dress for comfy leisure wear. This plays into Adidas’ hands perfectly with many people deciding to buy leisure wear from them.
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