Digital Marketing Trends in 2021

The world of digital marketing is developing at some speed! New digital marketing techniques come and go, it can be difficult to keep on top of the latest trends. You need to ensure that you don’t get left behind by competitors. Digital Marketing has proved throughout the COVID-19 pandemic that the industry has helped many businesses keep their head above water and allowed them to reopen once the country opens after lockdown. In an industry that is crowded, you as a digital marketer will need to keep up with industry trends if you don’t want to fall behind the rest. Here are some trends that we are likely to see either develop or continue to strive in 2021.


Alternative Search Terms

People have never doubted the power of SEO in digital marketing, however, are companies utilising SEO the right way? Many companies see SEO as a way to get their web pages as high as possible for certain keywords they want to target. While this is normally the right way to go about improving your rankings, it may not take into consideration how some users search online. Many customers often search for the company before they contact them or purchase something, a big part of that research starts with the initial search. As SEO is ever-changing, it’s now more important than ever to be ranking for a range of keywords instead of obvious primary searches. You need to think outside of the box when coming up with relevant search terms. Zooming in too closely, risks you missing out on other variants of the search terms. Many companies are increasingly wary of alternative search terms and this is predicted to continue throughout 2021.


Contact Our Experts for Digital Marketing Strategy

If you’re interested in developing your overall digital marketing strategy, then please get in touch with us. We have years of experience in building tailored digital marketing strategies for a wide range of businesses.

Call us on 0121 439 5450 or you can use our contact form.
