The medium of Blogging has undergone a revolution in recent years with 77% of internet users confirming that they read blogs. The expansive audience that this generates serves as a prime target for businesses looking to expand their reach and consumer base with companies that blog getting 97% more links to their website, leading to a higher trust flow and SEO placement. The best way to make yourself stand out amidst the plethora of blogs circulating the internet is to incorporate video. Before you scoff and tell me that a blog is text-based content and by using a video it ceases to be fundamentally a blog, let me offer you the super medium of video blogging. The culmination of video and blogging takes the benefits of both, assimilating them into a singular page free of the shackles of cliched obscurity, read on for ways to use video marketing within blog posts.

Create Original Content
With the birth of YouTube and other video-based social media platforms, many have realised just how simple it is to create video content, a mobile phone or a digital camera, a webcam or a camcorder, there is an assortment of different devices you can use to create video without going out of your way or breaking the bank. Homemade sector-specific tutorial videos are vital to many in educating themselves about a product or service before they look to invest capital, presenting you with the chance to win them over. On the other hand, if you find yourself servicing ongoing clients why not deliver market updates or information directly via the form of video to add a personal touch.
The medium of video incorporates itself flawlessly alongside a blog, its usage allowing for another dimension of consumer engagement delivering with it a plethora of benefits to capitalise on your blog writing.
Contact Our Experts for Digital Marketing Strategy
Get in touch with our team of Digital Marketing Strategy specialists who have the knowledge and expertise to fully optimise your social media and website, allowing you to boost the number of leads and conversions your business gets.
Call our team on 0121 439 5450, alternatively fill out our contact form.
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