Facebook is the undisputed champion amidst the plethora of mainstream social media platforms, the opposition in the form of Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc are strong but fall short of a 59% reach amongst all social media users. In light of its unyielding rise, many corporations have looked to incorporate Facebook and Facebook Video Marketing into their advertising strategy to captivate a portion of the 500 million users who watch 100 million hours of video content on Facebook daily. Breaking into the aforementioned market can be a colossal task without the utilisation of the tools and techniques available, read on for Facebook video tips guaranteed to help boost your social media interaction.
Choose the Right Name
Video content with a descriptive title will not only allow for easier location via the search but will also meet the keyword criteria aiding in the classification it will have amongst other similar content narrowing down to exactly what the user is searching for.
Portion of Content
When deciding whether to watch a video many will look to the caption or description, hence, there is no better way to appear unreliable than by leaving this blank, misspelling words, or just plain not making sense. Preferably a description should encompass the subject of the video without being a word-for-word copy, as mentioned in the ‘choose the right name’ section a description catering to sector-specific keywords will help categorise the content while fructifying reach.
One Shape Does Not Fit All
As opposed to videos applied in separate mediums, Facebook utilises a 1:1 square ratio as a part of their video content creation. Unfortunately, videos created via third-party content creation apps commonly come in landscape form potentially leading to some dubious Facebook sizing, and seldom is simply cropping the content sides a viable solution. Endeavouring to address this at step one is the best way in ensuring this issue does not propagate.
Use Captions
By making use of captions Facebook videos diversify their potential audience, I have yet to experience someone blaring out a sector-specific marketing video on public transport in a desperate bid to catch every syllable. When a video is relevant and practical, people will watch it when given the opportunity. As of 2016 85% of Facebook videos were watched on mute and ensuring they can be understood thus is an enormous draw for many.
Tag, You’re Linked
Corporate marketing videos are scarcely the creation of a lone individual; the knowledge, editing, voiceovers, scriptwriting, proofreading, content planning, etc are aspects which’s management is delegated amidst multiple people within a team. Tagging team members or external businesses that have played a part in the creation process enables access to their followers or friends lists for further content transmission.
Facebook video serves as a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that, through its versatility, can be utilised to fit a plethora of purposes within a corporate environment regardless of the sector within which it lies. The use of the above tips is a fundamentally simplistic way of naturally growing content engagement.

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