Apple Spotlight, What is it? And What Does it Mean for Google?

Google’s domination of the search engine market is an all-encompassing one, even with direct competitors such as Bing, Yahoo and Baidu, Google is directly responsible for over 70% of all global desktop search traffic and with nearly 93% of all web traffic coming through the medium of search engines, they hold a prevalent stake on the worldwide online market. There have been a plethora of challengers to Google’s search engine throne but due to their locale or niche specific natures haven’t managed to amass the following required to pose a threat, this changes with Apple’s entry into the market. Read on to find out about Apple Spotlight and ripples it may create in the search engine world.

What is Apple Spotlight?

An image of several apple devices

The deciding factor behind many verdicts will lie in the search engine’s ease of access and with Apple’s conglomerate being built off of its unmatched simplicity it’s highly unlikely that device users would look to an external source when considering which search engine to employ. However, the aforementioned yearly subscription that Google pays seems to mitigate Apple’s advancements into the search engine market and as long as Google are willing to pay, and Apple are willing to be paid Spotlight will not become a direct competitor to Google search.

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