Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can be complicated, especially if you’re getting your information off people who don’t understand SEO properly. They might think they know what they’re talking about as they used to use SEO however, it has changed over the years. Ask any Digital Marketer. Debunking SEO myths can help your business move forward in rankings and conversion rates. Read on below as we debunk 5 SEO myths.
Which is Better for Links? Quantity or Quality
One myth of SEO is that a higher quantity of links on your blog or website will improve the trustworthiness of your content and improve rankings. Although that used to be the case with SEO, it isn’t anymore. While using lots of low-quality links that connect your content to different pages may seem like a good SEO strategy, doing so will drag down your content and threaten your trustworthiness. Google and customers will grow weary of these excessive links and won’t trust your content.
How do you make sure you link correctly? 3 high-quality links are better than 100 low-quality links. When it comes to SEO authority matters. For example, the BBC is a trusted website that has a lot of authority. A link from the BBC will show Google that you’re a trusted website due to the fact of their authority. If you link the BBC in your blog, it would be a high-quality link because you’re linking to a high authority and trustworthy website. If you were to link to a spam website, then it would be a low-quality link because Google sees that website as low authority and untrustworthy. For digital marketing services bound to deliver, visit Odyssey New Media here.
A High Keyword Density Will Improve Ranking
Including relevant keywords many times in a piece of content will improve ranking. Right? Actually, using a high keyword density will inflict search penalties on your website or content. If you use as many keywords as you can in your content, search engine algorithms will see this as ‘keyword stuffing’. If a search engine like Google catches you doing this, they will demote your website in rankings or even remove your website altogether.
How do I use keywords properly? If you want to rank for a keyword on a search engine, you can, but you must do it properly. For example, if you were writing a blog about Carbon Filters, you can’t help but use the keyword ‘Carbon Filters’ lots of times throughout the blog (try to keep it to a minimum). If you’re writing a blog about the world’s health organisation then there are a few keywords you can play around with, instead of just using the world’s health organisation.
Google doesn’t have an ideal keyword density. But remember, mentioning keywords a few times will boost rankings in your content. But do it too many times then Google sees that as keyword stuffing.

Page Speed Shouldn’t be Important
Visitors are always in a rush because they want access to information quickly. Websites that load slowly will make the visitor lose interest swiftly. This debunks the myth that page speed isn’t important. Slow loading speeds for your website will affect your SEO as search engines use page speed as a factor in ranking your website.
How do I fix this? Test your website on 3G and 4G networks. If after testing your website and it is still slow at loading here are a few tricks to speed it up. Decompress all your images on your website, optimize images, improve server response time, reduce redirects, and remove render-blocking JavaScript.
You Only do SEO Once
One myth people believe in, is that once you’ve created an SEO strategy and set it in place, you don’t have to touch it again. This isn’t true. SEO is a constantly evolving task that shouldn’t be left alone. SEO should be tested, monitored, analysed and modified throughout the year due to the numerous changes that occur as a part of Google updates. Staying on top of this task will benefit your rankings and visibility to your customers. You or a Digital Marketing agency like Odyssey New Media will tweak your SEO strategy to gain the best results.
SEO is Expensive
These days there are a variety of digital marketing tools available at different prices. The word expensive depends on the size and assets of your company. A smaller business will have a smaller budget for digital marketing tools or digital marketing agencies. But depending on what service you use, cost-effective SEO strategies from agencies or tools will achieve the right level of SEO for everyone.
Contact Our Experts for Digital Marketing Strategy
Get in touch with our team of Digital Marketing Strategy specialists who have the knowledge and know-how to fully optimise your social media and website, allowing you to enhance the number of leads and conversions your business gets.
Call our team on 0121 439 5450, alternatively fill out our contact form.
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