Getting Your Website Ready for Father’s Day

There is no better time to celebrate all of the father figures in your life than on Father’s Day. Many websites across the globe will be looking to take advantage of this celebration by offering up a whole assortment of parental-themed products and services. Even if your website doesn’t quite cater to this niche, there’s no reason to not get in on the fun and offer your own unique spin on Father’s Day.

Channelling Hype

While it may not be as big a celebration as – say – Christmas, Father’s Day is still a pretty big deal in many households. Retail spending was estimated to be around £951 million in 2021, showing quite a few people opted for something a little bigger than the classical deodorant gift set. Average spend per person varied across different locations with London and Manchester occupants spending the most (£27.72 and £26,94 respectively), while the lowest spenders – those in Norwich – still spent an average upward of £15 (£15.82). Factor in the fact that there are millions of fathers across the UK alone, you’re suddenly looking at a pretty sizeable demographic.

Discounts and Feature Sections

Most ecommerce and service provider websites look for any opportunity to put on a sale; look no further than ‘store closing – all must go’ sales, you come back a few months later only to realise that not only is the site still up, but they are still running the same sale. The point is, Father’s Day is an occasion that gives a genuine reason to offer discounts and you should look to capitalise on the opportunity. Of course, maybe consider the industry you’re a part of before advertising Father’s Day sales; nobody wants to see a half price discount at a divorce lawyer.

If you do decide to opt for a Father’s Day sale, make sure that people are actually aware you’re holding one. Put together a little rebrand with some nice banners on your homepage and show all your visitors you’re just as enthusiastic about Father’s Day as they are.

My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So, I packed up my stuff and right!

Celebrate Father’s Day the right way with our team at

Social Media Promotions

A great way to get a steady stream of visitors to your website is through social media. Why not run a campaign featuring some of your discounted Father’s Day products with direct links to your storefront? A great example of a relevant social media campaign could be something along the lines of ‘Best Dad Jokes’. Of course, make sure that there is some scope to link back to your website or product page.

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