The world’s largest video-sharing platform, YouTube, in November 2021 made a major change to its platform by hiding the dislike count on all videos. This move has sparked controversy in the online space and left content creators questioning its impact on their channel and how they will receive the audience’s feedback on their content going forward. This change has sparked debates about how YouTube should manage its content and whether taking away the rating system of videos actually creates more positive feedback for the site or not.
Why Did YouTube Take Away the Dislike Count?
The CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, pointed out that while most users engage positively with YouTube videos, some still use the dislike feature abusively. This misuse can include targeted harassment campaigns against certain videos or creators, as well as using the dislike count to manipulate public opinion. YouTube’s decision to hide the dislike count is meant to protect users from this kind of behaviour. The negative implications of ongoing online harassment can be massively detrimental to creators, especially for those who are less established.

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