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Category: Backlink Analysis

Are Backlinks Still Crucial for SEO Success?
Once upon a time, backlinks were highly regarded as the most influential factor in boosting search engine rankings. However, in recent times, Google has officially stated that backlinks are no longer the crucial factor of SEO and ranking success. This has led to questions regarding their relevance in the current landscape of search engine optimisation. … <a href="2024/06/13/are-backlinks-still-crucial-for-seo-success/">Continued</a>

Link Building Strategies to Help Your Site Rank Higher
Your website’s rank on search engines determines how many people will visit it. Therefore, you need to focus on link building strategies to improve your site’s search engine optimisation if you want to attract more visitors. A well-executed strategy can create powerful backlinks to your website and thus increase your site ranking. In this post, … <a href="2023/08/14/link-building-strategies-to-help-your-site-rank-higher/">Continued</a>

What Is A Backlink And How Does It Work?
Backlinks are an integral part of any online marketing campaign. They are links that point back to your website from other websites, and the more you have, the better your SEO ranking. But what exactly is a backlink? And how does it work? In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly what a backlink is and … <a href="2023/04/27/what-is-a-backlink-and-how-does-it-work/">Continued</a>

Internal Links and External Links – The Importance to SEO
Both internal and external links are important for SEO. Internal links help search engines understand the structure of your website and can be used to help boost the ranking of your website in search results. External links can help to increase the visibility of your website to potential website visitors and can also help to … <a href="2022/09/22/internal-links-and-external-links-the-importance-to-seo/">Continued</a>

What is Link Building?
Link building is the process of sourcing links from different websites, forums, and blogs to link back to your website. A link is used to navigate and browse through the internet and search engines crawl for links throughout the web in a matter of seconds. Search engines have the ability to crawl internal and external … <a href="2020/11/17/what-is-#">Continued</a>

Case Study – Odyssey Complete their Largest Link Analysis & Disavow
SEO Link Detox – Analysis & Disavow Link Analysis & Disavow Case Study – Background & Overview The Odyssey New Media team have just completed one of their most largest and most in-depth ?backlink analysis? and ?disavow? file compilations to date. We were were approached to perform a link analysis and disavow for one of … <a href="2015/09/09/case-study-odyssey-complete-their-largest-link-analysis-disavow-to-date/">Continued</a>
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