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Category: SEO Tips & Advice

What Is Page Speed, And How Does It Influence SEO?
In today’s fast-paced world, speed is everything, and the internet is no exception. Every second counts on the internet, especially when it comes to website loading times. Google has identified page speed as a key factor in ranking websites in search engine results pages (SERPs). But what is page speed, and how does it influence … <a href="2023/06/21/what-is-page-speed-and-how-does-it-influence-seo/">Continued</a>

Understanding SEO Cannibalisation
SEO cannibalisation is a term that is used to describe a negative phenomenon where a website’s pages compete with each other for search engine rankings, resulting in reduced traffic and revenue. This issue can arise when a website has multiple pages targeting the same keywords, or when the content on different pages overlaps. In this … <a href="2023/05/24/understanding-seo-cannibalization/">Continued</a>

What to Expect from the World of SEO in 2023
The world of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is constantly changing, and staying ahead of the curve can be challenging. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been over a decade since the launch of Google’s first iteration of its search algorithm with this influential technology revolutionising how we find different types of content on the … <a href="2023/01/05/what-to-expect-from-the-world-of-seo-in-2023/">Continued</a>

Why are Images Important to Google?
There is no denying that images play a crucial role in SEO. Not only do they help to make your content more engaging for users, but they also provide important clues for Google’s algorithm when it comes to ranking your website. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at why images are … <a href="2022/11/24/why-are-images-important-to-google/">Continued</a>

What is Generational Marketing and How it Can Help Your SEO Strategy
Generational marketing is a term used in marketing to describe the various ways that different age groups consume and interact with products and services. The four main generational groups are Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millennials. Each of these generations has its own unique characteristics, which marketers must be aware of when developing their … <a href="2022/11/16/what-is-generational-marketing-and-how-it-can-help-your-seo-strategy/">Continued</a>

Answering The 5 Most Popular SEO Queries
It seems like everyone has questions regarding SEO at the moment. And while there’s a lot of information out there, it can be tough to figure out what’s most important and how to get started. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the 5 most popular SEO queries, along with answers to … <a href="2022/10/28/answering-the-5-most-popular-seo-queries/">Continued</a>

Mobile Optimisation Best Practice Tips
There is no doubt that a mobile-friendly website is essential in today’s online world. But what are the best practices for optimising your website for mobile devices? In this blog post, we will explore some of the best tips you can adopt to create a user-friendly mobile experience for your visitors. Whether you are just … <a href="2022/09/15/mobile-optimisation-best-practice-tips/">Continued</a>

Creating SEO Friendly Content
SEO is important, but what is it and why is it important? In this blog post we will talk about what exactly SEO is and why it is important to use it to optimise your website. What is SEO? Before we get into how to make your content more SEO friendly, it’s important to know … <a href="2022/09/08/creating-seo-friendly-content/">Continued</a>

ALT Text and their Importance
In the world of website design and development, there are a few key elements that are always worth taking the time to understand. One of these is ALT text or alternate text. This little-known but crucial element can make a big difference for your website and its users. In this blog post, we’ll take a … <a href="2022/08/10/alt-texts-and-their-importance/">Continued</a>

The Impact of Images on SEO
Since the dawn of the internet, images have played a major role in SEO. Every day, billions of photos are uploaded to websites; optimising these photos for search engines is essential for website owners who want to increase traffic to their sites. Luckily, there are a number of ways to optimize your images for SEO, … <a href="2022/07/06/the-impact-of-images-on-seo/">Continued</a>
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